Sonntag, 30. August 2009
Ich grabsch mir mal ganz dreist das Stöckchen von Kamil in dem es darum geht "diverse Fragen zu beantworten und zwar mit den Songnamen von nur einer Band."
Ich für meinen Fall hab mich für die großartigen Offspring entschieden ;)

also dann:

Are you male or female?
Killboy Powerhead

Describe yourself:
Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)

How do you feel about yourself?
Dirty Magic

Describe your current boy/girl situation:

Describe your current location:
Living in Chaos

Describe where you want to be:
Out on Patrol

Your best friend is:
No Hero

My favourite colour is:
Black Ball

You know that…
Jennifer Lost the War

How’s the weather?
Staring at the sun

If your life was a television show what would it be called?
The Worst Hangover Ever

What is life to you?
All I Want

What is the best advice you have to give?
Why don't you get a job / Take it like a Man

If you could change your name what would you change it to?
Lightning Rod

Is aus (fast) jedem Album was dabei ^^

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"The worst Handgover erver" - genial.

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Hatte auch grad mal Lust...
...allerdings auf deutsch geantwortet:

Are you male or female?

Describe yourself:
Ich bin tot

How do you feel about yourself?
Ich bin nicht frei

Describe your current boy/girl situation:

Describe your current location:
Tod in der Nordsee

Describe where you want to be:
Cher ist heute in Hamburg

Your best friend is:
Biene Bertha

My favourite colour is:

You know that…
Frösche weinen nie

How’s the weather?

If your life was a television show what would it be called?
Gangsta Galore

What is life to you?
Die reine Poesie

What is the best advice you have to give?
Sprich mal mit dir selber

If you could change your name what would you change it to?
Armer Willi

Band? :)

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Monsters of Liedermaching ^^

"Schnauze!" is super. Sehr gut, Majestro ;D

Noch wer Bock? Ich find das cool.

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